Aleksander Hejna laureate of the Scholarships of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for young researchers.
01 July
The scholarships amounting to PLN 5,390 were awarded for the period of 3 years to 215 young researchers in total, including 37 doctoral students, representing all 47 scientific and artistic disciplines.
Aleksander Hejna, PhD, is employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Polymers of the Faculty of Chemistry. Her research mainly concerns management of various types of waste and by-products and their further use as fillers for polymer composites. The scientist is currently conducting two research projects financed by the National Center for Research and Development and the National Science Center. The first of them is aimed at an effective use of rubber dust generated by recycling of used car tires as a filler for polyurethane foams. The second project is related to modification and use of the main by-product in brewing industry - brewing grain for the production of biodegradable polymer composites. Further research plans also include using other lignocellulosic waste and study of the influence of phytochemicals contained in them on the structure, properties and degradation mechanism of polymeric materials. Aleksander Hejna collaborated with numerous national and international research units, she is the co-author of 87 research publications, including 69 published in journals from the Journal Citation Report, as well as 2 patents and 2 patent applications.